Sunday, 31 October 2010

Golborne Lightshaw 5th Charter

A proud time as President of Golborne Lightshaw on our 5th Charter evening

Toast to Rotary International

Toast to Rotary International

Vercoe the Clown

Ever since he visited the Bertram Mills Cicus
as a six year old Arthur has had a fascination with the circus and particularly clowns. Our guest speaker this evening.

Arthur Pedlar

Guest Speaker Arthur Pedlar displaying the magnificent costume that he wears on the occasions that he plays the White Faced clown. The costume is a priceless antique but is in wonderful condition

Party Time

Under Way

Everyone of the club made a superb effort, to make the evening a memorable one.


District Governor Bernard, Sue, guest speaker Arthur and myself as we prepared for our entrance into the hall.

Club Members and Guests


More special guests

Fellowship at it's best

Some photographs of guests that came along to share our celebrations

Our Guests

It was great to have David & Linda to join us, we have shared a lot of precious moments together, that stay fresh in our memories

They are always the best of company

Inside Menu

* Double Click to make larger*

Charter Menu

Mike & Tina have done a brilliant job in producing our menu
as always it is very professional.

Golborne Charter

Our fifth Charter Anniversary, I'm filled with pride at being President

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Compassion in action

Pam Gilligan and Joe gave an excellent presentation this evening, as ambassadors for Compassion in Action. Compassion in Action are about to open a health and wellbeing centre in Golborne. The aim is to make the centre the focal point for a community of recovery.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Home Time

We aimed for the moon, and reached the stars. No world record, but hey what a great time we had and a great community effort. Thanks to everyone for making today possible
February won't come soon enough to see the results of our efforts today.
To the members of The Rotary Club of Golborne Lightshaw, feel very proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Done

Time for a mince pie as the challenge comes to a conclusion. All that is missing is a good cup of tea.

Distant Travellers

The volunteers pictured left were visitors from New Zealand, and had nothing but praise for our endeavours.
Having participated in the planting, they will view the blog with interest to see the results when the crocus are in bloom.


All the volunteers were presented with a certificate in appreciation of their hard work and donations

More Planting

All 20.000 bulbs were planted in less than an hour, earlier in the day it looked like we may be planting for a few days. However with a lot of good will and hard work the planting had been successful.

20,000 Crocus Bulbs

With 20,000 bulbs to be planted, all the pots were strategically placed around the grounds, and the volunteers were asked to keep planting as long as they were happy to continue


The weather was kind, yesterday had been torrential all day, everyone was getting dirty and have fun at the same time

Planting begins

Their was a spirit of fun as the planting began, all the participants were eager to plant, and make a difference to the Care Home gardens, as well as helping to eradicate polio


Final instructions and the countdown, and the Big Bulb plant began with a trumpet fanfare from District Governor Bernard, followed by a duff starting pistol shot, eventually a shot went off and the plant began

Dibbers at the ready

We made the decision to bring the challenge time forward to 2.30pm, it was becoming clear that possibly there would be a short fall in the expectation of numbers that would turn up. As some people had already been there an hour, an early start seemed a good option.

Getting Closer

Our stewards began positioning planters around the grounds ready for the challenge, it was decided to attack the grounds from several points. Above are some of Rotarys Geo-caching friends.

Young Planter

One of the younger planters with a new trowel
ready for the off.

Can't beat a good cuppa

District secretary Phil, enjoying a nice cuppa


Our numbers were swelled by the support of fellow Rotarians in our District, the call for help was answered far beyond my wildest expectation

A number of Rotarians had already done their own planting of bulbs earlier in the day, and then travelled to support us. When like minded people get together it's amazing what can be accomplished.

Early Arrivals

Everyone was in place by 12.30pm, although the world record challenge was to begin at 3.00pm. A few planters arrived very early!

It's Twelve O Clock

It's twelve o clock, preparation for the reception area is well underway

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Big Bulb Plant Day

Today is the day Golborne Lightshaw Rotary club has been working hard for, the journey has been full of fun & fellowship
Everyone is a winner, Golborne House will be resplendant in February
We have helped Eradicate Polio
I am sure that we will go on to do bigger and better